I'm blessed to be living a bold, passionate life through helping others. I have a goal to touch move and inspire health and healing in 1,000,000 people by 2010 with my work and clinic. Maybe you will be one of the Million!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The "Pumpod"

I think I have found a tech gadget that I can relate to: The convenience of an i-pod and the know-how of top trainers. Now, several companies have jumped into this format with exercise podcasts and different programs which allow you to customize your exercises before downloading your program onto the ipod. Most show proper biomechanics and feature "famous" trainers in the viewfinder..or hot guys and gals to demonstrate..enough to get me motivated already.

The upside? Convenience and it may help those who would not seek out a trainer to hone their workout skills and avoid injury. If it can get that dude in the corner of the gym to quit doing squats with his knees touching..I'm on board.

The downside? All of these programs treat each client as if they are the same...with predetermined, one-size fits all work outs OR they allow the client to customize their own work outs. The only problem here is that unless a person is able to perform a true exercise assessment on themselves, it is impossible for them to know which exercises or routines will benefit them? The result will probably be guys (with already slumped shoulders and ridiculously out of balance pectorals) choosing even more chest and bicep curls because that is what will make them look good. This is fine until the muscular imbalance reaches a point where it causes shoulder injury or chronic forward head syndrome.

The solution? An assessment by a great exercise coach (yup, I'm pretty partial to CHEK practitioners...with me being one and all..) who can assess postural issues and then CHOOSE your exercises and upload them onto your ipod for you. I think I smell a product idea for my clinic! I am all for anything that makes exercise more accessible and my programs easier to implement! In effect, we can turn this gadget into a tool!

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