I'm blessed to be living a bold, passionate life through helping others. I have a goal to touch move and inspire health and healing in 1,000,000 people by 2010 with my work and clinic. Maybe you will be one of the Million!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Please! Not Another Diet Challenge.

I believe that reading an article in Reuters entitled Soup or salad before a meal helps weight loss-study will definitely help me lose weight...by making me sick.
It seems that this study puts 6 diets to the test for weight loss The big winner here : SOUP AND SALAD. Good, more veggies...I love it. Now what about the runners up? From a holistic point of view, the foods supplied by most of the commercial diets such as Slim Fast and Jenni Craig are abhorrent, over-processed, quasi-foods. Eating sawdust for 6 weeks might get you similar results but that doesn't mean that it is providing the live, nutrient-rich foods our systems need for optimal health.
Here again seems to be an example of our society missing the forest for the trees. At what point do we start to repair our love/hate relationship with food and realize that we are little eating machines put on earth biologically to eat and have sex? We really are not made to deny ourselves all of the things that make life grand. We can still eat and be healthy and weigh what we want to weigh but you aren't going to get any of that by starving yourself or eating tiny packages of pseudo-food!
I think we need to wake up and start viewing optimal health as a PREREQUISITE to optimal weight...hummm earth shattering concept right? Unfortunately we rarely look at this and weight loss together. We look instead at that scale each day and think to ourselves: "What can I possibly do to make myself happy when I look at that? Umm...I mean, what can I do that is going to be Quick and EASY?
I'm picking up the banner here...in this blog and in my practice...follow if you feel as passionately about this as I do. I am picking up that banner and marching resolutely away from the throngs of pre-processed, diet-pill pushin, crappy-food-eatin, no-neck-havin, miracle-cure-totin "GURUS" out there who want a juicy piece of that $5 billion fad diet market. I'm marching my ass up that steeper, longer and higher road called "lifestyle change" and "metabolic eating". Sure it isn't as glamorous but at some point I want to be traveling around the world in my 90s not traveling back and forth across the cold, hard linoleum of my local nursing home because I was only concerned about looking good fast

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