I'm blessed to be living a bold, passionate life through helping others. I have a goal to touch move and inspire health and healing in 1,000,000 people by 2010 with my work and clinic. Maybe you will be one of the Million!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Holistic Lifestyle Confusion!

This post is dedicated to my holistic lifestyle class from last night (and could provide amazing resources for the rest of you too!).
Now that I have thoroughly confused, confounded and contorted your thinking regarding eating, diets, and strategies for remaining fit and healthy, it's time to breath. We have created a space in your brain where you have started to let go of much of the garbage that has been fed into it by the enormous diet economy of our country. Marketing has filled you with garbage and strange thoughts concerning food, lifestyle, supplements...its not your fault but you chose to take the red pill when you stepped into my class and NOW you are deep down the rabbit hole so to speak.
Next week, it gets even crazier but for now sit in that space we created and take this opportunity to re-educate yourself concerning fats, metabolic eating, cholesterol, and calorie deficit diets. Remember that I am not attached to what you conclude, you must make up your mind about what you choose to believe, but I am committed to giving you the information you need to make the right choices for you. Here are a group of links which show the "other side" of the story . The choice is always yours, and there is not real right or wrong but if you are ready to abandon a paradigm which has failed so many (like yourselves), then this is the place to start: My associate Dr. Mercola has a saying on his site it goes like this:

All Truth Goes Through Three Stages

  • First it is ridiculed

  • Then it is violently opposed

  • Finally, it is accepted as self-evident

Please note: Dr. Mercola (listed in many links below) takes articles from medical journals and tons of other sources. He has you register to read his articles...DO IT!! You will thank me when you realize that this guy's site is an enormous repository of information..an email address is a small price for access!

Concerning Cholesterol:

Cholesterol is NOT the Cause of Heart Disease by Ron Rosedale, MD

Common Cholesterol Drug Lowers Cholesterol but Not Death Rate

Concerning Dietary Fat:

Moderate-Fat Diet Superior to Low-Fat Diet for Heart Disease

Quality Fat, Not Low-Fat, is the secret to weight loss

Concerning Gluten-Free:

Dangerous Grains


Concerning Metabolic Eating:

Modify Your Diet so You Feel Terrific

This should get you started. Remember that you are on a journey, take on what you can...the rest will come in it's own time.

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