I'm blessed to be living a bold, passionate life through helping others. I have a goal to touch move and inspire health and healing in 1,000,000 people by 2010 with my work and clinic. Maybe you will be one of the Million!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Latest Scientific Research Links "Secret Key to Weight Loss"

This amazing article. "Finally Science Confirms the Secret Key to Weight Loss" on the mercola website highlights the newest scientific discovery regarding weight gain.
For years, we have blamed our genes for our insulin levels but most of us in the health and fitness industry have known better. This study proves it.

Low levels of exercise and highly processed foods make us "super secretors" of insulin and inevitably makes us fat. We become fat producing machines. Children as young as 6 are now getting adult onset diabetes...it used to take people 40 or 50 years to screw their bodies up enough to develop diabetes...now we are doing it to our kids in under a decade! People, it is time to wake up and make changes now!

The key to avoiding this is what we have been talking about on this blog for months...avoid sugars, highly-processed foods and eat metabolically to minimize your insulin responses.

Your body is comprised of the foods you eat..each cell is replaced on the cycle of seven years. Ask yourself if you want to be made up of the things you eat...do you really want to be made of Big Macs, Double Lattes and Some Packaged Crap from your Newest fad Diet?

Just Something to Thing About.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our Path to Break Down

Most of us are very good at making trade-offs in our lives. You exercise more so that you can eat junk food. You squeeze in a few more hours for work or family by sleeping less. Stress reduction takes a back seat to almost everything.

Fortunately, your body phenomenal at dealing with stress. However, when these stresses become habits, and are constantly present, your body begins to break down. Your energy and focus begin to wane, you become ill, irritable and lethargic.

Then, you turn to white flour, sugar, nicotine or caffeine to prop up your energy. These substances wear out your adrenal glands over time . Low energy becomes chronic but not before elevated cortisol levels start packing on the body fat.

So, suddenly you are a little fatter, a whole lot more tired, and understanding that something is wrong with your body. If you decide to do something about it, you probably hit the gym. Unfortunately, if you are like most people, you do a high-cardio, high-intensity workout program that further depletes the adrenals and throws your hormones further out of balance. Workouts become more difficult, the fat loss stops and you dig yourself even further into exhaustion.

With the weight not budging, you decide to try a fad diet or calorie deficit. Not only does this starve your body of the nutrients it needs to repair all of the damage your exercise is doing, but it also sends your cortisol levels skyward and lowers your metabolic rate.

This vicious cycle rages on with years of broken diets, yo-yo weight loss and loss of energy. Completing workouts or even just dealing with your life gets more difficult. The hole gets deeper and you are unsure what to do as you trainers, diets, and supplements prove ineffective.

The problem with this cycle is that once your vitality gets low, you become symptomatic. You begin to experience increased blood pressure, cholesterol, chronic fatigue, or drop in libido. You can take prescriptions for all of these but rarely do they address the underlying cause of over all imbalance and decreased vitality. If your lifestyle does not change to promote better nervous system and hormonal balance, your body will eventually become susceptible to disease. At the lowest level of vitality, you can even die as your body becomes overwhelmed with stressors and can no longer maintain equilibrium.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Hello Everyone! I apologize for the delay in posting. I have been in the most phenomenal Holistic Lifestyle Coaching certification by the CHEK Institute and can not wait to bring you the amazing information just as soon as I get home from Los Angeles. Until then, be healthy and happy!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Acceptance vs Resignation and Justification

I am a huge believer in accepting and loving oneself. There is absolutely nothing WRONG with any of us. This may sound like a strange comment coming from a coach who helps people to change their bodies but there is a very fine distinction between choosing change and thinking you HAVE to change.

Simply put, every client I see is perfect and complete the minute they step through the door. It is only from this spot that we can create their new body. If a client is always in the space of hating their body NOW or in a sense of not being at peace with themselves, I can almost guarantee mediocre results.

Our minds are very powerful machines. With a program running over and over again telling you that you hate your body, the only thing that machine has energy to do is hate your body and give you more of the same. If we can take that program off of disliking your body, we have all of this energy left over to create something new...to input a new program that says something like "I'm healthy, vibrant and an happy." With this program, you have amazing possibilities and the energy to full fill them.

The golden key to everything you want in your fitness life lies in truly accepting yourself, freeing up that energy and using it to create something new of your choosing.

I sometimes see this message distorted and used as justification. Some people with obvious health problems, will tell everyone that they accept themselves, are complete with their bodies and see no reason to do anything about it. I think that this is great so long as they own up to EXACTLY what they are accepting. Everyone has the right and responsibility to create their lives and if someone wants to eat unhealthy, drink a lot, and smoke, I have no problem with it as long as they are consciously CHOOSING it.

People understand that their behavior dictates the length of their life and the quality of their health. If these things are more important to them than their health or longevity, I have no right to tell them otherwise. The only problem I have is when people choose unhealthy lifestyles and then blame someone or something else for the disease or breakdown of their bodies--because without taking that responsibility, we have NO opportunity to bring them back on the path of health and healing.

It is YOUR life, this is YOUR dream--live it to it's fullest. Appreciate your body now and take responsibility for CONSCIOUSLY create the life and body you want