I'm blessed to be living a bold, passionate life through helping others. I have a goal to touch move and inspire health and healing in 1,000,000 people by 2010 with my work and clinic. Maybe you will be one of the Million!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Yes! Score One For Biochemical Individuality!

Scientist are struggling to map the human metabolism with a project called the Metabolome (click here for full article). They hope to map the precursors of all of the complex chemical processes that make up our individual metabolisms and thereby understand better why medications and foods effect people in different ways. In fact, they see a day when we take our metabolic barcode to the grocery store with us for a high-tech, customized shopping experience.
In my eyes, striking thing about this project is not the Jetsonian view of grocery shopping but rather that mainstream science accepts the fact that everyone is different metabolically...that foods DO affect different people in different ways. SO the question that begs to be answered is "Why do we still have the FOOD PYRAMID?" Why are we still treating everyone as if they should eat the SAME? The answer, in my opinion, is that so many people are married to the idea and bureaucracies are slow to change paradigms. Fortunately, we have William Wolcotts work in "The Metabolic Typing Diet" to rely on as a map for determining our unique food profiles until these guys in the Metabolome project get it all sorted out. With the help of current metabolic typing and holistic lifestyle change we really don't need a lot of research to tell us what our bodies need...OUR BODIES WILL TELL US! Imagine that, our bodies actually have feedback devices to let us know what it wants and when...humm...that mother nature sure is a clever one isn't she? The key is to get all of the junk out of our diets and lives so that we can trust that our feedback signals haven't been hijacked by parasites, blood sugar issues, or fungus. With those issues out of the way, we can learn to trust our bodies and give it what it needs when it needs it. Ahh simplicity...no calorie counting, no stressing, just giving your body the good stuff it asks for when it asks for it. Isn't that nice?

read more | digg story

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